
A trusted ally of Captain Flameheart Sr, following his orders without question. She captained the Ashen Dragon.Adelheid
Captain of the Unforgiven. Larinna struck a bargain with her to join her crew and together they ventured to the Shores of Gold and encountered the Gold Hoarder.Alessia St. Marina
Amaranta is a woman obsessed with being number one. She used to stand outside the Glorious Sea Dogs Tavern, acting as a representative. How or why she joined the Sea Dogs is unknown, but she didn't seem to have any fondness for DeMarco or Lesedi. She seems to have either a preference for women or for money, as she once took part in a competition in a bid to win the hand of the affluent Lady Juliana. When the Sea Dogs Trading Company was shuttered, Amaranta left the Glorious Sea Dog Tavern to pursue other things. After being accused of being DeMarco's killer, Amaranta found herself with nowhere to hide, eventually turning to the Dark Brethren for assistance. She aimed to join their ranks by doing their dirty work in the Sea of Thieves for them, namely delivering Merrick's soul to the Sea of the Damned, and creating the powerful Staff.Belle
Little is known about Belle. Her history and motives are currently unknown. She appears to have some ties with the Sea of the Damned and the Ferry of the Damned in particular, as indicted by the necklace she wears, which bears the symbol for the Ferry of the Damned.Briggsy
An infamous pirate who hid her face with an elaborate mask. Regarded by many as a wildcard as she would just leave her crew on a whim or steal other unsuspecting pirate's ships. Her actual name isn't 'Briggsy', rather this is a nickname she acquired for herself due to her ability to break out of brigs with ease. She made many adventures and tales for herself in her life, but met an unfortunate fate when she became cursed and turned into a Skeleton Lord. Notable Friends and Acquaintances: Sudds, Salty, the Trapmaker, Wild Rose and GeorgeBurnin' Tony
A possible destination for cargo goods, Burnin' Tony takes up residence on Ruby's Fall. He has a tendency to burn things, hence the name.Ruby's FallCaptain Kate Capsize
Kate Capsize was initially the first mate on The Limping Limpet, a ship searching for the legendary treasure Big Whoop on Blinky Island. The expedition failed, and their captain died from boredom while crossing the Sea of Beige Flotsam. Afterwards, she settled on Booty Island, offering ship chartering services named Capsize Charters. With her glass-bottomed boat, she rented her expertise as a seaman and distributed leaflets in Ville de la Booty. Guybrush Threepwood hired her to find the figurehead of the sunken ship The Mad Monkey. Later, facing slow business, Kate moved to Phatt Island, but upon arrival, she was framed for multiple crimes and arrested. Unbeknownst to her, Threepwood was the one who framed her, using her leaflet image to disguise himself on wanted posters. After escaping from her arrest, Kate eventually discovers that Guybrush framed her and got married to Elaine Marley, the former governor of the Tri Island Area. Upon learning that they were spending their honeymoon at the legendary pirate haven known as the Sea of Thieves, Kate sells her boat and gathers a crew to restore the ship "Mad Monkey" as the "Headless Monkey" to pursue Threepwood. Unfortunately, Kate's quest for revenge takes a tragic turn when the Headless Monkey shipwrecks at Sailor's Grave, resulting in the deaths of Kate and her crew, who become ghost pirates. Despite this, she manages to find her original glass-bottomed boat and decides to abandon her vengeful pursuit. Instead, Kate sets sail to try to resume living, both figuratively and literally, moving on from her past and seeking a new purpose.Colin
Proprietor of the Clothing Shop on Ancient Spire Outpost. Slightly shifty, although he assures he has had no dealings whatsoever with any smugglers.Ancient Spire OutpostCooper
Proprietor of the Galleon's Grave Outpost Clothing Shop.Galleon's Grave OutpostCorina
Corina, better known as The Voodoo Lady, is a well-known traveling Voodoo Priestess and self-proclaimed fashion consultant. She runs the House of Mojo shop on Mêlée Island and has been provided Guybrush with invaluable information and advice on his various quests. The true extent of her powers is not known, but she seems to have a greater understanding of the situation occurring in Legend of Monkey Island.Cursed Captain
The Captain of the Golden Hare, a ship that took an unexpected journey into the Sea of the Damned. Even before the sudden excursion, the Captain was under the influence of a skelefying curse, as he was drawn to a particular gem in their hoard of treasure. He became leader of the town in the Sea of the Damned that became known as Sailor's Grave. Other ships and crews would wind up there and could pass on as the Ferry of the Damned would occasionally dock there. He put a stop to this however when he took out the Lighthouse and its Keeper. His crew turned against him and locked him in a cage whilst they squabbled about what to do with all the treasure. After helping him in Sailor's Grave and freeing him, he is next seen above the entrance to the Tavern of the Damned, saying he has been on many adventures since he was last encountered. Is there possibly more to him than we realise...?Sailor's GraveDavy Jones
Davy Jones discovered this pirate world of Sea of Thieves whilst in pursuit of Captain Jack Sparrow and the Greatest Pirate Treasure, finding that the pirate's life is somewhat different here. He has no dominion over those waves and he doesn't control the pirate's life and their ability to return back from the afterlife. Cunning and ruthless, he seeks the Greatest Pirate Treasure to put into motion events that could forever change the Pirate's Way of Life on the Sea of Thieves. The cursed captain of the Flying Dutchman, he bargains with pirates who have lost their lives for their eternal servitude. It is said his greatest love was the sea itself.Deadshot Charlotte
One of the Traders for the Cargo Runs of the Merchant Alliance. Deadshot Charlotte claims to be a bounty hunter with a crack shot who never misses her target.Lone CoveDeMarco Singh
Son of Ramsey the Pirate Lord, and twin brother of Lesedi. One of the founders of the Sea Dogs Trading CompanyDimitri
A pirate who came across the abandoned Silver Blade and took it as his own. With his crew he sailed the Sea of Thieves for awhile doing well for themselves. They would eventually come across a Voyage that would lead them to an Ancient Vault that held the remains of the Siren King and the Chest of Everlasting Sorrow. After retrieving the Chest and remains, Dimitri and the Silver Blade was pursued by Skeletons and then attacked by Sirens who dragged it under the waves. His last known whereabouts were in the Siren Citadel, where he and his crew came face to face with the Sirens and their Ocean Crawlers.Dinger
Crewmate on the Morningstar One of the older members of Slate's crew, chatty and cheerful. Took part in the voyage to find an Ancient Weapon, a relic used in the battle to defeat Captain Flameheart. A fateful run-in with Graymarrow left his soul trapped inside a Collector's Chest, unable to reach the Ferry of the Damned.Duke
Duke embodies the adventurous spirit of pirates, always looking for new adventures, wanting to hear tales of daring deeds, and thinking up new challenges. He has seen and experienced much since his first appearance, from setting challenges for fellow pirates to creating his own Black Market to finding the Heart of Fire to then being kicked out of the Bilge Rats. He stayed with Umbra on the Lagoon of Whispers for a brief spell, making friends with her. His resolve was shaken, after being stripped of his Bilge Rat status and left to drift about the Sea of Thieves uncertain of his place in the world. Not long after arriving at the Lagoon of Whispers he left to embark on a new lead. For reasons unknown, Duke began to find mysterious rune tablets carved with ancient text. He followed these around the Sea of Thieves, visiting several islands and locations in the process. He was last spotted staring out to the south-west seas, complaining about a headache and hearing a call. Duke would next reappear as a member of the Dark Brethren, a group of pirates who feel betrayed and outcast by the pirate's way of life. This Duke was different to how he had behaved before, coming across more eloquent and thoughtful. He helped in the scheme to merge the Sea of Thieves with the Sea of the Damned in order to give Davy Jones dominion over death. Duke vanished alongside Wanda into the Sea of the Damned. Recently he has been involved in a new plan by the Dark Brethren, to kidnap Merrick for his knowledge.Edmond
A skeleton who assisted the crew of the Morningstar in finding an Ancient Weapon that could defeat Captain Flameheart once and for all.Eli Slate
Captain of the Morningstar. An upstanding pirate who keeps everything in rigorous check. He is one of the earliest pirates to venture into the Sea of Thieves as evidenced by his attendance of the Golden Sands Parlay. He was swayed by Ramsey's proposal of an alliance and some order in the Sea of Thieves, and presumably joined with him shortly after the Golden Sands Parlay. A few years later, he was drawn into the efforts to defeat Captain Flameheart when he was prompted into searching for an Ancient Weapon by the Pirate Lord. Later in life he had a run-in with Lord Graymarrow whilst the two ships searched for a way to the Shores of Gold. This led to Eli Slate and two other members of the Morningstar to being bound to chests by Lord Graymarrow. The fourth member of the crew, Jill, managed to escape. After being freed from the chests and allowed to pass on to the Ferry of the Damned, Eli Slate wound up spending his time in the Tavern of the Damned until he was recruited to help with the efforts against Davy Jones.Faizel
Crew member of the UnforgivenFive Paces Frank
One of the Traders for the Cargo Runs of the Merchant Alliance. Five Paces Frank has a particular system for burying his treasure, which involves finding the same tree and walking five paces away before burying his loot.Mermaid's HideawayFlameheart Junior
An individual who was raised with the finest education one could get, taught how to fence and how to swim, as well as navigation skills. He was adopted very shortly after birth by Captain Flameheart, the reasons for this are currently unknown.Flameheart Senior
Flameheart grew to prominence with the tactics of intimidation and force at his disposal, never afraid to take what he felt was his. Ruthless and with fiery ambition, he let his rage consume him. Not much is remembered about the man Flameheart was before he became a Skeleton Lord, or the spectral skeleton head we see in the skies today. With his flagship the Burning Blade, he led an armada that nearly brought the Sea of Thieves to it's knees. His finest and most loyal lieutenants were the Ashen Lords, fearsome undead warriors who had been crafted from arcane magic and willing victims. He sealed himself away in his remains, that were then hidden on Flintlock Peninsula, until the time was right for his return. And return he did, when Pendragon released his soul from his skull, leading us to the great big angry shouty skull in the sky we have today. His base of operations seems to have been the Heart of Fire, a cave network deep underneath the Devil's Thirst.Fontaine
Crewmember on the Morningstar A slim pirate who sees himself as some kind of philosopher and aesthete; a thinker. His sister also served aboard the Morningstar. He took part in the campaign to recover an Ancient Weapon, a relic that could defeat Captain Flameheart. A fateful encounter with Lord Graymarrow left his soul stranded in a Skeleton Chest, unable to reach the Ferry of the Damned.Grace Morrow
Leader of the Forsaken Shores Alliance, a 2-ship alliance that sought out lands beyond the Devil's Shroud with the help from the magically enchanted figurehead of her ship, The Shroudbreaker. She and the crews were left stranded in the Devil's Roar when Stitcher Jim betrayed their alliance. Now that the Devil's Roar is accessible to everyone in the Sea of Thieves, she plans to 'tame' the wild lands of Devil's Roar. Notable Roles: Quest-giver of "The Shores of Gold" Tall Tale. Hand-in point for the Wondrous Box of Secrets.Morrow's Peak OutpostGraymarrow
Captain Gideon Graymarrow is a figure who has been around since the early days of the Sea of Thieves. A cruel man who never allows his crew to leave the ship. Over time, he became a Skeleton Lord and sought to learn about the magics of the Sea of Thieves, in effect rivalling the knowledge of the Order of Souls. He is credited with the re-use of ancient script as a language for the skeletons. His favourite method of dealing with his enemies is to perform a binding curse on them, so as to not allow their souls to pass on to the Ferry of the Damned. He learnt this technique from studying Sir Arthur Pendragon's Sword of Souls and subsequently used it to trap the Champion of Souls in a portrait of himself. Later, whilst seeking the Shores of Gold for himself, he chased the crew of the Morningstar and bound them to chests. For reasons unknown, his ghost appears when nearing the end of the ritual at the Fort of the Damned.Fort of the DamnedGuybrush
Guybrush Ulysses Threepwood kickstarts his dream of becoming a pirate on Mêlée Island. Mistaken for a flooring inspector, he sets out to complete The Three Trials: Swordplay against Carla the sword master, Treasure Hunting by finding buried treasure with a dance pattern, and Thievery by stealing the Idol of Many Hands from Governor Elaine Marley's mansion. During his adventure, Guybrush develops a fondness for Elaine, the governor. He acquires the idol but is sentenced to death by Sheriff Shinetop. Using his ability to hold his breath underwater for ten minutes, he escapes and witnesses a ghost ship sailing away. Having completed the trials, Guybrush finds the Scumm Bar deserted except for a weeping chef, who informs him that LeChuck, the ghost pirate, has kidnapped Elaine. Determined to save her, Guybrush gathers a crew, acquires a ship called The Sea Monkey, and sets sail for the legendary Monkey Island in a race against time to rescue Elaine from her perilous fate. Guybrush embarks on a series of tasks on the island. One day, he uses a primitive art catapult to knock bananas off a tree, inadvertently sinking the Sea Monkey ship. Guybrush retrieves a banana-picker from a cannibal village and gives it to Herman Toothrot in exchange for a key to the Giant Monkey Head, believed to be the entrance to LeChuck's secret lair. Using the giant key, Guybrush enters the Giant Monkey Head, descends into a dark and hellish realm, and traverses a lava-filled maze. Guybrush finds that he is too late and LeChuck's ship has already set sail to prepare for his marriage to Elaine on Mêlée Island. With the help of Herman Toothrot's secret ship, Guybrush hastily returns to Melee Island to confront LeChuck. He rushes to the church to disrupt the wedding, unknowingly interfering with Elaine Marley's plan to escape and defeat LeChuck herself. Guybrush uses the Voodoo Root Beer on LeChuck, causing him to explode into countless pieces. Guybrush made sure every person in the Caribbean knew of his deeds, albeit with some exaggerations, making himself seem the brave hero.Harry Handles
Harry Harkly
A large brute of a man. He forged an alliance with Karin to seek out and pledge allegiance to Flameheart, and on their travels they were joined by Jewels and Scraps, unified by a sense of what a 'real' pirate is.Henry the Hoarder
Gold Hoarder Representative on Galleon's Grave OutpostGalleon's Grave OutpostHumphrey
Humphrey is a representative of the Gold Hoarders Trading Company, and he has seemingly earned himself a high position with the ranks. Originally a humble merchant outside of the Sea of Thieves, he refused an offer by the Grand Maritime Union and found himself being run out of business. They used their influence to blacklist Humphrey and cause him to fall on bad times. He struggled to get by, and as a means to make ends meet for his ill wife AnnaLee, he joined a pirate crew headed for the Sea of Thieves. He learned how to run a ship, becoming a useful member of the crew, but he longed for his merchant days. His curiosity was piqued when he met a member of the Gold Hoarders, Hogarth, begging the man to teach him how to become a member. Hogarth took him on as an apprentice. In time Humphrey wished to serve a higher power and questioned Hogarth about his Key tattoo, expressing interest in getting one of his own. Hogarth obliged and took him to an island in secret to meet with The Brotherhood. They give him his own Key tattoo and he shortly afterwards meets with the Gold Hoarder himself, receiving a Skeleton Key from him. Still thinking of his wife back home, he sends a small amount of his earnings back to her every so often. He is caught doing this by another Gold Hoarder and told of the dire consequences this could have, and so he writes to the Gold Hoarder to explain his position and to beg for forgiveness. Since the Gold Hoarder's disappearance, Humphrey seems to have taken a higher role within the Company, organising the usage of Ancient Vaults and co-ordinating the efforts of the other representatives.Sanctuary OutpostIsidro
In exchange for an Ancient Coin, Isidro helped set up Flameheart Jr with a ship, a crew, and led him to the Sea of Thieves. He stayed in the company of Flameheart Jr until the fateful meeting with Cap'n, where it is unknown if he is still alive. It was at Isidro's behest that Flameheart Jr met with the strange old woman who gave him the map. Not much is known about Isidro's life before his meeting with Flameheart Jr. He appears to have sailed the Sea of Thieves before as he has knowledge of the place. — Isidro's name appears as one of the options for Replace Gamertag as 'Trading Isidro'.Jack Sparrow
Jack Sparrow stole the greatest pirate treasure of all time, a Golden Key to other lands. Using this treasure he crossed his precious horizon, discovering the pirate world of Sea of Thieves in the process.Jewels
She comes from a well-to-do background. Her weapon of choice is the Eye of Reach. After becoming involved in a tavern brawl, she gets turfed out alongside Harkly, Karin and Scraps for siding with Flameheart and the idea of 'true' piracy. The four of them steal The Prideful Dawn and decide to pledge allegiance to FlameheartKarin
Karin is tall and intimidating. Makes an alliance with Harkly to seek Flameheart and pledge their allegiance, as they see his way as the true pirate way. Meets with Jewels and Scraps and forms a crew with them aboard The Prideful Dawn.Larinna
Larinna is the de facto leader of the ragtag group known as the Bilge Rats. She has recently returned to a more active and present role standing outside the Taverns of the Sea of Thieves ready to give pirates the latest word on what is happening. She also runs the Black Market, which offers Letters of Recommendation and unique Voyages in exchange for Doubloons When she was a fresh pirate to the Sea of Thieves, she sailed with Captain Adelheid on The Unforgiven with Little Ned and Faizel, where they went on an adventure to the Shores of Gold.LeChuck
LeChuck stands as one of the most formidable pirates to have ever roamed the seven seas. With exceptional swordsmanship, a penchant for ruthlessness, and a mastery of manipulation, he strikes fear into all who cross his path. His fascination with voodoo and the occult led him to an extreme transformation, turning himself into an undead abomination, seeking to wield even greater power. Originally commanding a crew of hardened, loyal, and ruthless buccaneers, his transformation bestowed him with heightened abilities, and his crew members became virtually immortal. Despite his fearsome reputation, LeChuck's Achilles' heel was his unrequited love for Elaine Marley, the Governor of the Tri-Island Area. The tale goes that when she told him to "drop dead," he took her words literally. From that point onward, he has been driven by the desire to make her his undead bride.Lesedi Singh
Daughter to Ramsey the Pirate Lord, and twin sister of DeMarco Singh. One of the founders of the Sea Dogs Trading Company.Little Ned
Crew member of the Unforgiven.Madame Oksana
Order of Souls Representative on Galleon's Grave OutpostGalleon's Grave OutpostMadame Olivia
The founder of the Order of Souls Trading Company, and the point of contact for the company on Plunder Outpost. After seeing a vision of an older version of herself, achieved from scrying a skull for the first time, she sought the Sea of Thieves to become the person she believed she was destined to be. Showmanship seems to be in her nature as she is fond of hamming up the mystical deeds and acts her company are known for.Plunder OutpostMarisabel
Wife and partner in crime of Nine-Cat Nura. Grew up in the Sea of Thieves and earned her nickname 'Diving Bel' for her proficiency for diving. She is in possession of an Earring that allows her to hear and understand the Merfolk's Song, which she found when she was a child. Captain of the Plundered Crown. She discovered the Journal of Flameheart Jr as well as the wreck of the Silver Blade and the Whispering Chest held within.Mele Silvertongue
Mercia was part of Ramsey Singh's crew when they first made passing through the Devil's Shroud and into the Sea of Thieves. Initially a sceptic about all things magical, she became a believer and studied much of the mysteries in the Sea of Thieves. She wrote her findings in many tomes detailing histories and artefacts, keeping them locked away. Perhaps the most known thing about her is that she wore the Merfolk Earrings, enchanted jewellery that allowed the wearer to understand the Merfolk's Song. Her fate or whereabouts are currently unknown.Merrick
Husband to Serik, and a member of the Hunter's Call Trading Company. Most famous for accidentally summoning the Hungering One with an improvised shanty, which led to Megalodons populating the Sea of Thieves.Mysterious Stranger
The Mysterious Stranger is the character who acts as the representative of Athena's Fortune Trading Company. It is him you speak to earn the Pirate Legend Clothes, Shanty, and Title. Any loot relating to Athena's Fortune is also handed to him. Notable Role: Quest-giver for "The Shroudbreaker" Tall Tale. Traits: He is possibly a revenant, due to his glowing eyes. Fun Facts: During the first year of Sea of Thieves he was known as 'George' and spoke in rhyming couplets.Naveed
Doctor with a particular interest in the medicinal value of food found in the Sea of Thieves. Most noteworthy for documenting the healing powers of Bananas that come from the Sea of Thieves.Nine-Cat Nura
Partner in crime, and life, of Marisabel, and presumably firstmate of The Plundered Crown. Steadfast and learned pirate who grew up in the Sea of Thieves alongside Marisabel. Current whereabouts unknown., other than teaching new pirates the ropes in the Pirate Academy on the Official Sea of Thieves Website. Fun fact: She appears in several Sea of Thieves cinematic trailers as the woman in the red coat and wide brimmed hat.Phillip Martin
Rin Arai
Bounty hunter and gun-for-hire who was convinced to join DeMarco's crew when he promised her riches that could only be found in the Sea of ThievesRowenna
Childhood friend of Ramsey, and proprietor of The Unfired Pistol. She is not much of a sailor herself, preferring to keep her feet on dry land, as such she herself has never been to the Sea of Thieves (that we know of)Sally Marshall
Salty was once a shopkeeper on the Outposts of the Sea of Thieves before engaging in a partnership with Wanda the Weaponsmith that would eventually lead to him being cursed into a skeletal parrot. Notable Roles: Quest-giver for 'The Art of the Trickster' Tall Tale.Plunder ValleySandra
The Shipwright stationed at Dagger Tooth Outpost, talks about building a ship powerful enough to take on a Kraken. In reality, she is Jill, once a member aboard the Morningstar, a ship she has a long history with. Originally apprenticed as a shipwright under Suki on Sanctuary Outpost, she aspired to be a pirate. A particular captain caught her eye and she sought to join his crew. That captain was Eli Slate of the Morningstar. After several attempts to contact him she eventually managed to convince him to allow her to join for a simple Merchant Voyage. This however was the beginning of an adventure where she would find herself a member of the crew as they hunted for a mysterious Ancient Weapon that had the power to defeat Captain Flameheart. After the business with Flameheart was dealt with, she joined them as a permanent member of the crew, a fact that remained until the final voyage of the ship. The Morningstar found themselves the target of Graymarrow, who doggedly stalked them across the Sea of Thieves. After an encounter that saw the ship sunk, Jill fled for her life, leaving her crewmates behind. She took up station on Dagger Tooth Outpost and changed her name so as to not be caught by Graymarrow's forces.Dagger Tooth OutpostScarlett
Shipwright of Galleon's Grave OutpostGalleon's Grave OutpostScraps
Joins Harkly, Karin and Jewels after the tavern brawl, agreeing to pledge allegiance to Flameheart. Is very good at cooking up a meal from anything.Seamark
Senior Trader Meg
The Merchant Alliance Representative on Galleon's Grave OutpostGalleon's Grave OutpostSenior Trader Mollie
Chief Trader Mollie is the founder of the Merchant Alliance Trading Company, an ex-employee of high ranking within in the Grand Maritime Union turned pirate after a botched attempt to bring a fleet of GMU ships through the Devil's Shroud. She has respect for the many facets of the pirate's life on the Sea of Thieves.Sanctuary OutpostSerik
Founder of the Hunter's Call Trading Company and wife to Merrick. Although married, Merrick's obsession with hunting Megalodon led to a rough patch where Serik ran off with a Merman to get his attention. It didn't last long however as she couldn't get used to living a life in water. Her reasons for starting the Hunter's Call Trading Company was so that pirates could learn new skills in the form of cooking and fishing, as well as providing a meat supply for the rest of the Sea of Thieves. The North Star SeapostShan
The oldest member of the Magpie's Wing, the first ship to successfully cross through the Shroud. Skilled in a number of ways, Shan was originally sought by Ramsey to be quartermaster of the crew but Shan's abilities lay far beyond just stock-taking. He was adept at tinkering and making on-the-fly adjustments to the ship, he was noted for his playing of the concertina, and he embraced the magical qualities of the Sea of Thieves. It is a little known fact that he pioneered the creation of cannons that could fire humans. His current whereabouts are unknown, although given his age when they first discovered the Sea of Thieves it is widely thought that they have sadly passed away.Sir Arthur Pendragon
Sir Arthur Pendragon, a renowned adventurer and explorer as well as destroyer of all things evil and malignant. The last Captain of the Blackwyche. Due to some unfortunate events he is currently a ghost. His appearance in Sea of Thieves is a reference to the Pendragon series of games (Staff of Karnath, Entombed, Blackwyche, and Dragon Skulle) created by Ultimate Play the Game, the company who would eventually become Rare. Notable Roles: Quest-giver for "The Seabound Soul" Tall Tale.Siren King
An Ancient Warrior who turned Mer in a bid to be with his loveSiren Queen
Awakened monarch of the Sirens. Was given a Kraken to command in exchange for swearing allegiance to Davy Jones. Angry and spiteful towards pirates and 'land-walkers', wanting only their demise.Sea of ThievesStitcher Jim
A lanky man of dubious intent, affiliated with many infamous figures in the history of the Sea of Thieves. Always seems to find himself in trouble. He was given the location to a stash of maps to the Sea of Thieves by Rathbone and this seemed to have started an uneasy alliance between the two men. It is presumed that it was his doing that saw Ramsey's camp at Thieves Haven ransacked, at the behest of Rathbone. He turned up to the parlay of Golden Sands Outpost but remained mostly in the shadows. He is credited with having a hand in forming the Gold Hoarders Trading Company, and working closely with their leader. His activity is unknown for quite some time, until he joined forces with Captain Grace Morrow and her crew to form the Forsaken Shores Alliance. Together they travelled to areas past the Shroud thanks to the enchanted figurehead of Morrow's ship, The Shroudbreaker. Eventually they came to what would become known as the Devil's Roar and it is here that Jim's treachery reared its ugly face again. Jim managed to find a mysterious chest, which he dubbed the 'Box of Wondrous Secrets', and learnt of something dark when he peeked inside, causing him to pick off the members of the Forsaken Shores Alliance. He was successful in causing an untimely end for them all, save for Grace Morrow herself, who survived the poisoning attempt. When the Shroud parted and the Devil's Roar was made accessible to all, Jim was spotted on Liar's Backbone asking any passing pirates to look for the Box of Wondrous Secrets. After awhile, he vanished once more. His re-appearance was with the Masked Stranger in tow, whom he declared unending love for. It turns out that she rescued him (possibly by accident) from the Devil's Roar. He helped the Masked Stranger to setup several things, including the Fort of the Damned, freeing Sir Arthur Pendragon from his painting, and ultimately the Reaper's Hideout. Claiming to have turned over a new leaf, he briefly took over Bilge Rat duties from Duke. His last seen appearance was in the Heart of Fire, where he had trapped the souls of Pendragon's crew into a Chest of Rage as part of a ritual to bring back the Ashen Lords. He stuck his arm in the opened Chest of Rage and was subsequently burned, Flameheart claiming he was an unwitting sacrifice. Some reports claim the ritual was not successful and Jim remains in hiding.Sudds
Perhaps the Sea of Thieves most knowledgeable man when it comes to the stars, constellations, and legends of the Ancients. He was well-considered by Captain Briggsy, with whom he sailed with as navigator for a time. He had access to an enchanted spyglass that allowed him to see the constellations much clearer. For some reason, he considers the stars above his 'friends'. Notable Roles: Quest-giver for the "Stars of a Thief" Tall Tale.The North Star SeapostTad
Morrow's Peak OutpostTallulah
Morrow's Peak OutpostTanya
Plunder OutpostTasha
The Tavernkeeper at Ancient Spire Outpost. Her father ran the Unicorn Tavern before her, and raised her too. Growing up she was often visited by the infamous Captain Briggsy, who told her tales of her daring deeds. Tasha would draw these adventures in her Journal, dreaming of becoming a pirate herself when she got older. Over time, that dream never came to fruition as she was led to believe that Briggsy's stories were all lies and fabrications, and that she was a bad person. Her Journal proved integral to a group of pirates seeking the Shores of Gold and that encounter led her to regaining some of her childhood respect for Briggsy and desire for adventure. During one Festival of Giving, when getting out the decorations, Tasha rediscovered her Journal and went on a short voyage to seek treasure and adventure. She returned with loot, but would later that night be unknowingly visited by the Dark Brethren. The next morning she awoke to find herself under the effects of the skeleton curse. Seeking help for her affliction, she met with Madame Olivia who devised a plan.Ancient Spire OutpostTeri
Dagger Tooth OutpostTess
The Tavernkeeper of Galleon's Grave Outpost. A grog-enthusiast who loves coming up with new mixes.Galleon's Grave OutpostThe Ancient Priest
The Cap'n
The original captain of The Burning Blade before a mutiny orchestrated by Flameheart saw him ousted. Seemingly a Skeleton Lord, he manipulated the events that led Flameheart Jr to meeting with him. The unseen fifth member of the Dark Brethren, who gave a trinket to Davy JonesThe Castaway
A mysterious individual who set up camp on the beaches of all the Outposts of the three main regions in the Sea of Thieves. Has the ability to open the Tunnels of the Damned that lead to the Sea of the Damned. Is secretly Calypso, Goddess of the Sea. Notable roles: Quest giver for the A Pirate's Life Tall Tales.The Ferryman
The Captain of the Ferry of the Damned who is tasked with ferrying souls from one place to the next, be that returning souls back to the land of the living or elsewhere. He seems to have taken this role as part of some oath or promise. In addition to shepherding souls he also keeps a keen eye out for potential threats to the Sea of Thieves and the pirates way of life. How the Ferryman came to be is a mystery, much like the existence and appearance of the Ferry of the Damned. It is known that it has not always been there, however. Notable Roles: Quest-giver for "The Fate of the Morningstar" Tall TaleThe Gold Hoarder
Rathbone was a friend of Ramsey, joining him in his maiden voyage through the Devil's Shroud and to the Sea of Thieves on the Magpie's Wing. Born to a businessman and raised to follow in his footsteps, Rathbone was a calculated individual who a sharp memory. He built up his own business but a combination of his own greed and a habit of undercutting his rivals eventually led to having a warrant out for him. Disgraced, he joined with the thieves and criminals he'd once employed and made a name for himself as a pirate. How he and Ramsey first met it unknown, but they did hold a respect for each other and sailed many times together, proving to be a formidable duo. Rathbone had other plans when it came to the pirate's life, especially in the new frontiers that the Sea of Thieves offered. He sought to obtain all the riches for himself and didn't much approve of Ramsey's sway toward the mystical and magical mysteries of the world. It was him who gave Stitcher Jim the location of a stash of maps that showed the safe entry to the Sea of Thieves, and he would go on to later betray Ramsey. He set up the Gold Hoarders Trading Company to collect all the locked chests that Ramsey had hidden, giving his underlings limited access to the Skeleton Keys he stole from Ramsey. As the Company grew, Rathbone had no need to stay in the Sea of Thieves and lived as a wealthy individual on a fine estate elsewhere. Tales of the Shores of Gold brought him back to the Sea of Thieves and would prove to be his demise. He found the fabled island, sat upon the Throne in it's deepest halls and plotted to leave with all the treasure he could. As he left on his loot burdened sloop he was confronted by ships that were part of the Pirate Lord's Alliance. They fired upon his ship and he sank, but a curse had already taken ahold of him and he spent countless days and months taking back his sunken loot to the Throne Room of Tribute Peak. It was here that he began his slow transformation into The Gold Hoarder proper. As a Skeleton Lord he kept some semblance of his mind despite it being driven by a greed for gold and wealth, and kept in contact with the members of his Trading Company who in turn brought him tributes.Tribute PeakThe Pirate Lord
The auspicious figure who discovered safe passage through the Devil's Shroud and thus allowed many pirates to enter what would become known as the Sea of Thieves. During his time as a pirate he became renowned for his notorious deeds and actions earning him the title of Pirate Lord. He eventually retired and set up Athena's Fortune, named in honour of his wife Athena, a place for legendary pirates to come, have a grog and share their stories.The Servant of the Flame
A figure cloaked in mystery, The Servant of the Flame acts as the hand-in point for all Reaper's Bones business as well as being their only known representative. Much of the Reaper's Bones designs also seem to be based on their image, for example the Reaper's Bones figurehead and the prominent statue on the island. It is highly speculated that underneath that golden mask is a skeleton.The Reaper's HideoutTim
Ancient Spire OutpostTina
Port MerrickTom
Port MerrickTony
Dagger Tooth OutpostTracy
Sanctuary OutpostTravis
Plunder OutpostTrevor
Proprietor of the Galleon Grave's Outpost Tool Shop.Galleon's Grave OutpostTristan
Tool Shop owner at the Sea Dog Tavern and presumed member of the defunct Sea Dogs Trading Company. Always trying to sell insurance to hapless pirates.The Glorious Sea Dog TavernTyler
Sanctuary OutpostUmbra
Umbra is a well-written and keen chronicler of legends who has been brought back to the Sea of Thieves. She has set up camp on Lagoon of Whispers with the intention of documenting the tales and stories of the weird and wonderful people who live here.Lagoon of WhispersWarsmith
Once a Weaponsmith on Golden Sands Outpost, Wanda sought new ways to create the best and finest weapons leading her to salvage a cursed cannon that belonged to the Burning Blade. Her obsession with developing new weapons, and the effects from the cannon, led her to becoming afflicted with the Skeleton Curse. She declared war on the Outposts when they would not allow her to sell Cursed Cannonballs, raising a fleet of Skeleton Ships in her service. Following a three week campaign, she was defeated. She re-emerged as the Masked Stranger, a quiet companion to Stitcher Jim, to whom he claims he owes his life. During this time she manipulated pirates in helping her to create the Reaper's Bones Trading Company. After confessing her love to Flameheart and receiving only derision from him, she turned her back to him and the Pirate's Life, joining with a group calling themselves the Dark Brethren. Following Davy Jones' defeat, Wanda took to the shadows of the Sea of the Damned, planning the groups next moves. She was almost drawn out of hiding when Captain Flameheart Sr took her sister, Wonda, captive in one of his Sea Forts. The Masked Assailant was able to keep her from exposing themselves. Recently her plans have involved creating a Staff with the power to move freely between the Sea of Thieves and the Sea of the Damned, and attempting to extract information from Merrick.Wild Henry
One of the Trader for the Cargo Runs of the Merchant Alliance. A man who lives alone on the jetty of Crook's Hollow, who likes bananas and sleep.Crook's HollowWillow
Proprietor of the Galleon's Grave Outpost Weapons ShopGalleon's Grave OutpostWonda
Sister to Wanda, who took her place as the Weaponsmith of Golden Sands Outpost after the former became afflicted with the Skeleton Curse and declared war on the Outposts as Captain Warsmith. Much more relaxed and laidback than her sister, she too learnt the family trade of being a weaponsmith. It's her belief that a pirate's skill is more important than the weapon itself. She, alongside the rest of the denizens of Golden Sands Outpost, was captured and imprisoned when the Outpost was attacked.Port MerrickYenay
First Mate Yenay is a pirate who's journals can be found in the Coral Fortress. In them she speaks of a love that blossomed between her and a merfolk. Like all star crossed lovers however, this romance was doomed. One day the mer came to her with scratches on his arm and no Song about his presence. Soon after he turned into a Siren and attacked the ship Yenay was a crewmember aboard. Yenay became determined at that point to find a cure that would revert the Mer from being a Siren. Currently we do not know Yenay's whereabouts or what she looks like.