Shrine of Tribute
Before it was claimed by the sea, the Shrine of Tribute was a sacred place for the Ancients. People would sail from far and wide with offerings for the dead. It was customary to prepare treasures, weapons and other belongings for the recently deceased and to place them at the statue's feet. From there, according to the Ancients' beliefs, they would find their way to the next life and become part of a glittering Sea of Tribute. It is likely that the Sea Queen has discovered the chamber below the statue and now uses it to safeguard her own treasured possessions.
To dive beneath the throne here at the Shrine’s heart and locate the treasures seek the Sea Queen's statues, and see to it that they mirror the carving at the Shrine’s entrance. Once all is in place, strike the statue outside the main chamber to call forth the rising tide. Then it will be possible to reach the upper level. Above, three switches await one who is fleet of foot, ready to reveal the secret stars...
1. Shrine of Tribute
Sunken Journal from Sudds, a Mystery of the Shrine of Tribute. Tribute, an interesting word. Respect, admiration, bot are shown in acts of tribute. This is a place of tribute, but for whom? Ancestors, those that pass on? Did the Ancients believe they could speak to those on the other side? Must discover more. Explore every nook and cranny, leave no stone unturned...2. My Friends
Sunken Journal from Sudds, a Mystery of the Shrine of Tribute. Tricky, tricky! Three there were, one which took some clever thinking to uncover. Water can flow and water can crash. But find them I did and then they were revealed to me. My friends! Even here beneath the waves they whisper to me and tell me their precious secrets. The truth, about the Great Warrior and the Sea Queen. Not just stories, but real, Ancient man and merfolk woman. With a love that could destroy both their worlds.3. The Warrior and the Sea Queen
Sunken Journal from Sudds, a Mystery of the Shrine of Tribute. The Warrior and the Sea Queen, so much love mixed with so much pain. Sea Queen's anger made the sea trash and boil. Boats destroyed and dragged below, added to her kingdom. Crews, what became of them? Can they still see the stars? A vow she made, that any who walked upon the land would pay until her king was returned to her.4. The Sea Queen's Army
Sunken Journal from Sudds, a Mystery of the Shrine of Tribute. War was declared. Battle lines drawn, Sea Queen on one side, Ancients and merfolk on the other. The Queen swelled her army, with minions that could take her war to the land-dwellers. People once, changed inside the singing stone. Ocean Crawlers ever after, different types? Not sure, needs more research. Merfolk too? Attacked to swell her Siren ranks; a single scratch could doom them. Nowhere was safe, on land or sea.5. Mermaid Gems
Sunken Journal from Sudds, a Mystery of the Shrine of Tribute. An Accord, between the Ancients and the merfolk. Their wisdom combined. Combined in what? A container? Something capable of holding immense power... The glittering gems! A fire within to turn the Warrior into the Sea King, what else could they contain? A power, wielded by the Ancients. A power that forced the Sirens to slumber. Sudds knows a new story now. But there are more pages to turn...Voice of the Ancients, Tablet I
Voice of the Ancients, Tablet I, by the Ancient Priest. Like many, I do not remember my dreams. Some, however, experience them with great clarity, and we find they can contain both wit and wisdom. The dreams of our Kings and Queens, when they can be recalled, are habitually noted down by Priests such as myself, and examined for portents. This is simple practicality. If the dreams are meaningless, little is wasted. If they do offer a glimpse into the future, our rulers now possess vital information. In this place, on these waters, some began to dream of the dead. They would be told of unfinished work, hidden secrets and other impossible knowledge. Sometimes, the dreams would speak of events that would not come to pass for countless lifetimes. Our Priests continued to record these prophecies...Voice of the Ancients, Tablet II
Voice of the Ancients, Tablet II, by the Ancient Priest. For all the untold wonders we had discovered in this place, it was our dreams that now occupied the Royal Court's attention. It was concluded that our dead, for reasons of their own, had reached back to those they had left behind. Calling to us from a world beyond the world. We had always believed that death was a journey with a single destination, and one that we would make only once – at the end of our lives. What if the path could be travelled more frequently, like a great road connecting two cities? Might we visit the dead? Trade with them? Bring them home? These were questions our greatest minds endeavoured to find out. It was work that took many lifetimes, but they were determined, and they succeeded.Voice of the Ancients, Tablet III
Once the path to reunite with our ancestors was understood, it needed to be guarded. We soon learned that their realm reacted to our living thoughts; shaping itself to resemble places from our past while manifesting our hopes and fears. It was not inconceivable that a stray thought could lead to destruction or disaster, so travel between the worlds was permitted only sparingly. Weapons capable of great devastation, fashioned using all that we had learned since our arrival, were hidden beyond the veil until the day they would be needed. A temple, once a site of great power, was also cast into the abyss. Such was the nature of our hubris, one of my kin even sought to merge the worlds entirely...Voice of the Ancients, Tablet IV
Once the truth was known, the Royal Court strived to keep it a closely-guarded secret, for they were fearful that discontent and unrest would be inevitable. Our devout ancestors had passed between the worlds expecting to find a great Sea of Tribute; with all their treasures and comforts waiting for them. All that they believed they would find, the land that they held in their hearts... Of course, it was there waiting for them. Their minds made it so. The knowledge that an eternity of contentment lay just out of reach would cause upheaval; possibly even conflict, among our kin. Life as we knew it would be over. And so the declaration was made. “We go together, or not at all.”Voice of the Ancients, Tablet V
Voice of the Ancients, Tablet V, by the Ancient Priest. A mask was formed, and gems — cut from the same stone we had always used to move between the worlds — were set into its features. At the same time, my Queen prepared our people for a great journey, though most were kept oblivious to the true nature of their new home. Some remained behind. Those deemed dangerous or disruptive, the Eternal Guard — who were left to honour their oath — and the High Priest. He was the one who wore the mask, providing us passage to our new home. When his work was done, he cast the mask into the deep and scattered its stones. That is where our story should have ended. But now that the truth is known, I fear that even paradise may not last forever...