The Rogue's Legacy

Tasha has been inflicted by an awful curse, but Madame Olivia has a plan to deal with it.
Lesson 1
Lesson 3
Madame Olivia
Plunder Outpost
Lesson 2
Amaranta's Secret Journal I
Dark Brethren's Journal, by Amaranta. Like hunting treasure, seeking mystic truths in the Sea of Thieves is a demanding exercise. We must try to follow in the Rogue's footsteps, yes. But then we must attempt to then go beyond. What was she doing travelling from place to place? Although we can retrace her footsteps, it is difficult to guess what maps or pointers she was beholden to. What steered her course? Trying to think like the Rogue is not easy. She was a romantic, given to bouts of whimsy. This is almost poison to my soul! However, if we are to locate this most precious prize, we may have to embrace her methods – much as it pains me to do so. How ironic it is that the Rogue would fall foul of the very curse for which she sought a cure. Did she know what would happen to her? If so, she should have embraced. As Sister did.Old Faithful IsleAmaranta's Secret Journal II
Dark Brethren's Journal, by Amaranta. The more I try to be like the Rogue, the more connections – however tenuous – I can see. It makes me think. Me. My own thoughts. Anything is better than trying to think like her! We both wear masks. But hers doesn't even hide her identity! It doesn't strike fear into anyone. What's the point? And there's another thing! That whole pointed beak thing. It's ridiculous. She must have worn that thing for a reason, right? She wasn't uneasy on the eye from what I hear. And she wasn't one for attending masquerades. It looks like it's made of bone, but what sort of skull is that? A giant parrot? No. It's made up. It's another example of her ridiculous quirkiness. As false as fake coin! So maybe the mask isn't what it appears. It's not worn for effect. It must be worn for some other reason. It must have been useful to the Rogue in some other way. But how? Perhaps Duke will have more luck in the quest at Kraken's Fall.Old Faithful IsleDuke's Secret Journal I
Dark Brethren's Journal, by Duke. Reckon what we've got here is a seagull chase. Nah. That's not right. A waste of time. Goose. Yes, Wild goose chase. Running all over the place looking for what Briggsy did years 'n' years ago. Wanda (she don't like me calling her that). She's become obsessed by ole Briggsy. “Why didn't she do this?” and “Why didn't she do that?” – probly coz she had grog to drink! I dunno! I can feel it in me gut. No, not the grog! Alas. It's an ill wind that blows no good. And wandering all of the Sea of Thieves like a lost cabin boy aint my type of caper. Wanda (I not afraid of 'er!) is set on finding all these things she thinks'll make her top sea dog. Beat Flameheart, beat Ramsey. And I wants to do that myself. So I understand. But I do know that trying to act like Briggsy to unearth her secrets is like trying to sling a hammock between two sloops lookin' for a good night's kip. You'll end up sorely disappointed.Kraken's FallDuke's Secret Journal II
Dark Brethren's Journal, by Duke. If I was tryin' to find something someone had taken someplace. I'd ask about. Like, if I fancied my tankard filled, and I couldn't see a tavern, I'd collar the nearest pirate. “Which way to the tavern, mate?” I'd ask. And he'd tell me. Or he wouldn't, and I'd have to teach 'im a lesson! But if there wasn't a tavern, I'd ask if he had any ale on his ship. Direct and to the point. See? Course, Amaranta pointed out the 'ole in my argument, din she? “Captain Briggsy aint 'ere, Duke,” said she. “So, we can't just ask 'er can we?” Well, now that's true. But that's the point. I reckons that actually asking Briggsy is the only way you're gonna find what she was doin'! But I s'pose she ain't about no more. So there ya go. We've all got to run about pretending to be her, think like her. And what I think she'd be thinking is: it's past time for a pint! Reckon I've got time before Wanda gets back from Marauder's Arch.Kraken's FallWarsmith's Secret Journal I
Dark Brethren's Journal, by the Warsmith. I find it amusing that what we seek now is of no personal interest to me. Only its applications for power and manipulation are important. There are many on the seas who would do anything to lay their fingers on a remedy for their emaciated condition. NOT I! I embrace the power that a lack of flesh provides. But does Flameheart? He seems intent on returning to his mortal frame. The Ashen Lords? The Gold Hoarder? Briggsy herself? ALL MAY BE LURED TO OUR SERVICE. They may at least be tempted by the chance of redemption – at least bodily restoration. Certainly not salvation of the soul. Yet, that is surely why Briggsy searched for the cure all those years ago. SHE WAS WEAK! And foolish to fancy she had a chance at deliverance from her growing curse. However, a useful fool she has proven. BUT A FOOL NONETHELESS.The Crooked MastsWarsmith's Secret Journal II
Dark Brethren's Journal, by the Warsmith. I am acutely aware that the erstwhile “Captain” Briggsy never completed this quest. SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE LEGENDARY! She was capable of locating the most secret of treasures, solving the most impenetrable of clues, and – of course – breaking in to or out of any brig, prison, or fortress. Yet something about this mission stopped her in her tracks. Whatever it was – NOTHING AND NO ONE WILL STOP ME. I am the Warsmith. Of course, we have the advantage of our point of view. The Sea of the Damned gives us a unique perspective - a way of seeing things and an understanding of what it takes to brings things back… As the Dark Brethren follow the trail to where this most highly sought-after reward might be secreted, I am sure we will face the same hurdle. But where Briggsy failed, I WILL TRIUMPH! On. To Old Faithful!The Crooked MastsWarsmith's Secret Journal III
Dark Brethren's Journal, by the Warsmith. So. Briggsy was more of a sentimental fool than even I gave her credit for. She left journals for a child to follow. Thinking what? That she might pass on her legacy? HA! Perhaps she was not prescient after all; if she had foreseen her fate there would be better methods to avoid it than a paltry book of pirate platitudes. But she is insidious! Her weasel words have wormed their way into my mind, and she has planted her penchant for the eccentric like a cuckoo laying her egg in the nest of another. And yet I now realise that this all-too human side of her nature is in fact an innate weakness. One I can exploit. Attempting to think like Briggsy has not given me access to her memoires or been a revelation in how she navigated. But it has planted the seed of an intriguing and insidious idea.....Marauder's ArchWarsmith's Secret Journal IV
Dark Brethren's Journal, by the Warsmith. What if the Rogue had given up her quest not because it was too difficult or too dangerous? What if instead she had found another way to come back? Say she were still out there... Not the rabid dog she became as a Skeleton Lord – but the same peculiar adventurer who told tales to the child Tasha in her father's tavern! I know Madame Olivia still guards Briggsy's skull. She guards it close. The Order of Souls are so fearful of their own methods it makes cowardice a virtue. Perhaps the old pirate prepared a way back for her spirit. Perhaps I am wrong. ALTHOUGH I SELDOM AM! We can certainly put this theory to the test and find out. IMAGINE! If she lives on – no matter the form – we can force the Rogue from the shadows. We just need to threaten something or someone close to her pathetic heart.Marauder's Arch