Duke's Secret Journal I

Dark Brethren's Journal, by Duke.
Reckon what we've got here is a seagull chase. Nah. That's not right. A waste of time. Goose. Yes, Wild goose chase. Running all over the place looking for what Briggsy did years 'n' years ago. Wanda (she don't like me calling her that). She's become obsessed by ole Briggsy. “Why didn't she do this?” and “Why didn't she do that?” – probly coz she had grog to drink! I dunno! I can feel it in me gut. No, not the grog! Alas. It's an ill wind that blows no good. And wandering all of the Sea of Thieves like a lost cabin boy aint my type of caper. Wanda (I not afraid of 'er!) is set on finding all these things she thinks'll make her top sea dog. Beat Flameheart, beat Ramsey. And I wants to do that myself. So I understand. But I do know that trying to act like Briggsy to unearth her secrets is like trying to sling a hammock between two sloops lookin' for a good night's kip. You'll end up sorely disappointed.