Warsmith's Secret Journal I

Dark Brethren's Journal, by the Warsmith.
I find it amusing that what we seek now is of no personal interest to me. Only its applications for power and manipulation are important. There are many on the seas who would do anything to lay their fingers on a remedy for their emaciated condition. NOT I! I embrace the power that a lack of flesh provides. But does Flameheart? He seems intent on returning to his mortal frame. The Ashen Lords? The Gold Hoarder? Briggsy herself? ALL MAY BE LURED TO OUR SERVICE. They may at least be tempted by the chance of redemption – at least bodily restoration. Certainly not salvation of the soul. Yet, that is surely why Briggsy searched for the cure all those years ago. SHE WAS WEAK! And foolish to fancy she had a chance at deliverance from her growing curse. However, a useful fool she has proven. BUT A FOOL NONETHELESS.