Warsmith's Secret Journal II

Dark Brethren's Journal, by the Warsmith.
I am acutely aware that the erstwhile “Captain” Briggsy never completed this quest. SHE WAS SUPPOSED TO BE LEGENDARY! She was capable of locating the most secret of treasures, solving the most impenetrable of clues, and – of course – breaking in to or out of any brig, prison, or fortress. Yet something about this mission stopped her in her tracks. Whatever it was – NOTHING AND NO ONE WILL STOP ME. I am the Warsmith. Of course, we have the advantage of our point of view. The Sea of the Damned gives us a unique perspective - a way of seeing things and an understanding of what it takes to brings things back… As the Dark Brethren follow the trail to where this most highly sought-after reward might be secreted, I am sure we will face the same hurdle. But where Briggsy failed, I WILL TRIUMPH! On. To Old Faithful!