Journals of Forsaken Souls
Discover the Journals of forsaken pirates, trapped in the Sea of the Damned.
Perdition of the Past
(It's unclear who wrote this journal...) Our heart's desire, that which terrifies us the most, our greatest triumphs and our worst mistakes... All of them can and do return to haunt us here. they say there is a tavern where the honoured dead may drink freely, coming and going as they please. A single point of light in the unending darkness. The rest of us linger in our own lives, or what remains of them. Doomed to repeat, until we repent. Until the Ferryman calls our name at last. And if we should remain, consumed by our own legends, we begin to dwindle. To forget the possibility of escape, of change, of hope. We become naught but characters, players in stories of our own creation. And when there is nothing left of us but the story, we are truly lost.Marooned
(It's unclear who wrote this journal...) Well, this is sticky pickle and no mistake. Must've hit my head really hard falling overboard, 'cost I've got no clue how I washed up here. S'pose there's no use crying about it. I've gathered up all the wood I can and set a fire to smoking. That's bound to catch an eye or two. It's a bit eerie, this place. Almost reminds me of the reef I stranded Rotten Roald on, so I could keep all the haul for my own two pockets. In fact, I could have sworn I already wrote all this down yesterday. Or was it the day before? Or the day before that? I can't rightly recall. Ship ahoy! Rescued at last... Cor, there's someone properly scary at the helm. Can't help but wonder what's underneath that mask...A Strange Escape
(It's unclear who wrote this journal...) The worst part about being locked up in that old prison, apart from the smell, was thinking I'd only ever dreamed that I'd escaped. Then the beardy bloke arrived. I say arrived... Fired a cannon shot clear through the wall of me cell, he did! Talk about making an entrance... Well, an exit. As we sailed away he told me that it was the prison that was the dream – I really had escaped back in the day! It was one of them metty-for things, he said. I don't much care for being locked up, especially not when I've already broken out once, so I was more than happy to throw my lot in with him. If this Dark Brethren can keep me out of any more metty-fors, I'm more than happy to raise a sword in their name. I reckon others'll feel the same way...I Serve Davy Jones
(It's unclear who wrote this journal...) All my life, I was told that to encounter Davy Jones was to be plunged into a nightmare. Today, his Dark Brethren has saved me from that same fate! Better yet, they have promised me passage out of the Sea of the Damned, where I have been unwittingly trapped for countless lifetimes. My old crew are at my side, looking just as I remember them. Perhaps they're nothing more than my own hazy memories, but they can fight well enough. Jones has promised us an end to our eternal imprisonment, no longer shall those of us who broke the Code be forced to suffer for our sins! I shall take up arms against the pirates who abandoned me. I shall fight for my freedom. And I shall serve the Dark Brethren – Lords of the Sea!A Company Man
A Company Man, by Lord C. Beckett. It is most disconcerting to be unsure of one's own precise position in the world. I would have sworn that my men and I were aboard my vessel... But as I am a Company Man, I shall continue to server the interests of the Company. I can see that Jones and the pirates are locked in opposition, just as before. This must, therefore, be the battle for which I have been preparing. There is no other logical explanation, and thus I shall continue to follow my plan. The chest of Davy Jones shall be guarded with my solders' lives, if necessary. The Flying Dutchman will certainly destroy that ragtag pirate alliance soon enough. And the, once Sparrow is dead, and Jones is of no more use... Like the strings of the heart, unprofitable relationships are best severed. It's just good business.