
Merfolk's Lullaby


A Strange Escape

A Strange Escape

(It's unclear who wrote this journal...)

The worst part about being locked up in that old prison, apart from the smell, was thinking I'd only ever dreamed that I'd escaped. Then the beardy bloke arrived. I say arrived... Fired a cannon shot clear through the wall of me cell, he did! Talk about making an entrance... Well, an exit. As we sailed away he told me that it was the prison that was the dream – I really had escaped back in the day! It was one of them metty-for things, he said. I don't much care for being locked up, especially not when I've already broken out once, so I was more than happy to throw my lot in with him. If this Dark Brethren can keep me out of any more metty-fors, I'm more than happy to raise a sword in their name. I reckon others'll feel the same way...


    Merfolk's Lullaby
