A Glittering Chronicle

Glitterbeard's journals are scattered all over the Sea of Thieves, chronicling his adventures and his passion for this magical world. The Legend of Glitterbeard is a mysterious and magical adventure that awaits you in memory of a beloved Legend of the Sea.
My Maiden Voyage
A book safe and snug inside, near mirth and music... signed by 'Glitterbeard'.Making Music
A book left behind at a Hunter's old camp... signed by 'Glitterbeard'.Shark Bait CoveIn Good Company
A book discovered by a pirate seeking shelter and Sanctuary... signed by 'Glitterbeard'.Sanctuary OutpostMy First Gold
A book at the heart of a tiny island to the far south... signed by 'Glitterbeard'.Booty IsleActions and Words
A book sleeping near the cart of an exhausted Smuggler... signed by 'Glitterbeard'.Smugglers' BayLost and Found
A book at the mouth of a cave, lost upon a waning moon... signed by 'Glitterbeard'.Crescent IsleA New Flag to Fly
A book waiting where pirates who speak sharply come to rest... signed by 'Glitterbeard'.Dagger Tooth OutpostA Strange Voyage
A book on a rock, gazing out over Death's domain... signed by 'Glitterbeard'.The Reaper's HideoutAn Unexpected Ending
A book on a pier, near where masked secrets lurk and linger... signed by 'Glitterbeard'.The Reaper's HideoutFeathered Friends
A book waits where a mighty ship crests twin peaks... signed by 'Glitterbeard'.Galleon's Grave OutpostIt Never Rains
A book upon the shore at the four bridged islands... signed by 'Glitterbeard'.Port MerrickWrecks of the Lost
A book near where an old lantern still burns faithfully... signed by 'Glitterbeard'.Old Faithful IsleSoul Searching
A book at a camp, where plundering pirates made their home... signed by 'Glitterbeard'.Plunder OutpostFlags of Friendship
A book cast away by a pirate who'd had too much to drink... signed by 'Glitterbeard'.Castaway IsleFleets of Flame
A book perched crookedly atop a steep slope, high overhead... signed by 'Glitterbeard'.Crook's HollowHead in the Clouds
A book waiting to be discovered, near a mighty ridge... signed by 'Glitterbeard'.Discovery RidgeReunion
A book gazing upon the open sea, near to a faithful friend... signed by 'Glitterbeard'.Stephen's SpoilsA Tavern of Legends
A book in the greenery, where elysian waters bubble forth... signed by 'Glitterbeard'.Paradise SpringShopping and Supplies
A book that waits upon the edge of a heavy, bladed weapon... signed by 'Glitterbeard'.Cutlass CayEasy Come, Easy Go
A book in the beach shelter of one who sought safe harbour... signed by 'Glitterbeard'.Thieves' HavenOur New Home
A soggy book lurks at a great, round island to the west... signed by 'Glitterbeard'.Plunder Valley