Ramsey's Retirement
After having sailed with numerous crews under the banner of the Pirate Lord's Alliance, protecting the Sea of Thieves from dangers and discovering lost treasures, The Pirate Lord found, however, that life is not the same without his original crew.
His final act was visiting The Gold Hoarder, who has now lost most of his mind due to his dual Skeleton and Greed for Gold Curses. Ramsey speaks to him at length about his adventures since the betrayal, eventually ending with his declaration of retirement.
Ramsey died in mysterious circumstances but he once revealed after mentioning his crew that it all came to an end when some of his hearties turned into those foul Skeletons. Rumours connect the three daggers in his back to this fate. The Pirate Lord attained eternal life by drinking from the Tankard of Everlasting Life and is able to stay in Sea of Thieves as a ghost thanks to his Reaper's Mark necklace that Mercia gifted to him.