
Merfolk's Lullaby

The Era of Legends
Briggsy didn't ask to be cursed

Briggsy didn't ask to be cursed

Briggsy discovered that an ancient relic known as the Shroudbreaker would allow her to pass through the Devil's Shroud and arrive to the fabled Shores of Gold. Using the Shroudbreaker she sailed to Tribute Peak and crashed her sloop the Homeward Dove deep inland when she arrived.

Exploring the ruins of the Shores of Gold, Briggsy discovered evidence of an Ancient Civilisation but also more recent activity. She soon came to realise the place is used by the Gold Hoarder Trading Company as she delved deeper into the cave network.

Whilst down in the tunnels, she picked up a Gold Coin that led to her becoming cursed. The Gold Hoarder promises Briggsy a cure for the Skeleton Curse if she did as he wanted, but she defies him, broke apart the gems of the Shroudbreaker and hid the relic back in its resting place.


Tall Tale: The Shores of Gold

Merfolk's Lullaby
