Lights Out
Lights Out, by the Cursed Captain.
Treachery abounds! First me own cabin boy makes off with a box full o' cursed trinkets, an' now me crew are plotting to betray me an' save their own hides! Someone in these parts has been fillin' their heads with tales of a Ferryman. Promisin' that one day he'll come to take their souls back to the livin' world. An' when that day comes, surely they'll make off with me precious treasure! Well, I'll not make it easy for any scurvy wretch that's plannin' to jump ship. If ships can't make it to town in the dark without scuttlin' themselves on the rocks, it stands t' reason there'll be no Ferry to rescue them neither. It's settled, then – tonight I'll be indulgin' in a little treachery o' me own! Then we'll see if Mister Ferryman is still so keen to visit Sailor's Grave...