Purpose, by Stitcher Jim.
My faith was tested, and I was found wanting. Belief in the flame burns so brightly in the Master's boy. I thought it was pain, agony, coursing through my arm, when in fact, it was purpose. Power. A fine gift indeed. I'll work here to atone, basking in the flame. That's my destiny. Master knows it. His son knows it. Even the Ancients, long-since dust, understood. Every day of my long life, from the moment I took Rathbone's map, has led me to this. I will restore the Master as best I can, ready for his return. Stitch him together! Hah. Ramsey and his rabble will surely want to make a fight of it. Well, let them try! Soon I'll have no more need to fear them. There'll be no stopping the Herald of the Flame.
Sea of Thieves