Journals of the Black Pearl
Discover Jack's Journals aboard the Black Pearl.
A Longing
A Longing, by Captain Jack Sparrow. By rights, I ought to be the freest pirate on the seas. With the Black Pearl under my command and the stars to guide us, endless escapades must be just over the horizon. Locating said aforementioned escapades, that's the tricky part. Since that nasty business with the Trident of Poseidon, adventure has been conspicuous by its absence. I rather hope that ridding the sea of unfortunate curses, the sort that once plagued poor Master Turner, hasn't also diminished its capacity to enchant me. Danger, intrigue, a plethora of potables, and something exceedingly shiny to cover isn't much to ask, is it? I can think of only one location still likely to provide me with any and all of the above.A Plan
A Plan, by Captain Jack Sparrow. I had no inkling how Davy Jones returned, though I supposed that with Turner freed, there was a situation vacant. After all, the Dutchman must have a captain... Knowing my crew would be less than keen to steal from Monsieur Fishface, I decided to do the only sensible thing. I didn't tell them. Besides, I'd learned that Jones had turned to schooling within an ocean stronghold, where not even mermaids could spy on him. Clearly, he was going to great lengths to hide himself and his new Treasure from interested eyes. With a bit of luck, I'd be in, out, and away whilst 'ol Squid-beard was none the wiser. Having set my heart on depriving Jones of his most prized possession, all that remained was to examine my compass and plot a course for the Pearl.A Problem
A Problem, by Captain Jack Sparrow. There. That's the truth of the Treasure... For a time, I thought we'd gotten away with it. Then the Dutchman roared up from the water behind us, cannons already bristling. We've no real hope of fighting her, not with such a meager crew. Which means there's only one other option really. If we can sail the Black Pearl into the crease of the map and cross between worlds, we might just give Jones the slip once and for all. Ta-ta, Tortuga. Adiós, Isla de Muerta. Au revoir, Saint Martin. It's time for Captain Jack Sparrow to sail beyond the horizon.A Rumour
A Rumour, by Captain Jack Sparrow. Sailling into Tortuga was rather like sailing into my own history. Though she's been burned to the ground at least three times, her sweet, proliferous bouquet hasn't changed a bit. I sent my crew ashore with one instruction – eavesdrop, snoop and pry the night away, keeping an ear – two ears, if they've got 'em – open at all times. We sought stories of the lucrative, yet night-unfathomable sort. Also, I was trying not to encounter anyone who might want to shoot me. I so happened upon a cosy little hovel where the talk had turned to treasure. Not just any treasure, but a glittering trinket that could carry entire ships to other realms. I admit I was intrigued and only slightly perturbed to learn who the Treasure presently belongs to...A Theft
A Theft, by Captain Jack Sparrow. Pirates! You can't trust them. Jones's fortress was barely in view before my crew got savvy to our destination and promptly abandoned ship. The only ones left were Gibbs, who's followed me to the ends of the earth already, Anamaria, who'd never back down from a fight, and Scrum, who... was there. I deployed an upturned rowboat – an old favourite of mine – to sneak across the sea bed, keeping careful watch for any suspicious shellfish in Jones' employ. Ragetti had previously recovered Calypso's locket in an uncharacteristic moment of usefulness, and its tune carried me into the heart of the Dutchman. There, on a shelf in Jones's cabin, I first laid eyes on what was to become my Treasure. The greatest fortune a pirate could hope for. A key to countless seas.