
Merfolk's Lullaby


Shrine of Ancient Tears

Shrine of Ancient Tears

Once, the Shrine of Ancient Tears was a hallowed meeting ground between the Ancients and their sea-kin... The ones you know as ‘merfolk’. At the heart of this Shrine is a large pool, around which they would stand. The earrings the Ancients wore allowed them to understand their song. That was long ago, when the Shrine still stood proudly above the waves. Now, its hallways are infested with those loyal to the Sea Queen.

The way ahead is perilous but to begin, light the torches that surround this place and the way to the four paths shall be revealed. The graceful butterfly and the patient turtle... These two pathways must be travelled to light the flames and find what you seek. On each path, bring light to dark places. Seek the switches and false flagstones, then work them with haste. Press onwards until the turtle's treasure is within your grasp.

Sea of Thieves

    Merfolk's Lullaby
