
Merfolk's Lullaby


Forgotten Journal IV

Forgotten Journal IV

Forgotten Journal, by the Masked Assailant.

Who knows what gives Sirens their power? Not me, and frankly, I don't care. What matters is the weapons they carry. Even once I have all the pieces, I'll need help. Not even Sister knows the ritual to make them whole and bend them to our purpose. Luckily, the Brethren have grown in number during their time stranded in the Sea of the Damned. Phantom pirates pledged their loyalty by the dozen. They're not the brightest bunch, but a simple kidnapping should be within their means, so long as I give them written orders to follow. In fact, I've just had a brilliant idea. What's that phrase? Two birds with one stone...

Sea of Thieves

Merfolk's Lullaby
