
Merfolk's Lullaby


Setting Sail

Setting Sail

Setting Sail, by Merrick.

Here I am again, back on the ol' Sea Post and staring out at the waves. Used to be I was quite content to watch the world pass me by. Not any more! When Belle and I were stranded on the Killer Whale, she filled me noggin with all sorts of stories. I reckon she's been to every corner of the Sea of the Damned and back. After all of that, coming home and picking up a fishing rod just didn't feel the same. Thing is, I never expected to see her again, so thought I didn't have much of a choice. Then last night, I heard the sound of her buoy ringing up from the deep. Turns out she had some unfinished business, and a mind that I could set things right. I've got a lot of work to do, but if Belle believes in me, maybe ol' Merrick really can be the one to save Golden Sands...

Sea of Thieves

Merfolk's Lullaby
